we were hoping to pick up some baby clothes for haley, but man oh man.. those boutiques are so expensive. i can understand if it's handcrafted and made in USA, but gesh~ a baby clothes like a brief summer time dress cost anywhere from $88~$120? what's worse is it's made in china? WTF? needless to say, we don't have that kind of dough to spend for 1 dress or even pants for that matter. but i rather think of it that we're much smarter not to buy something that is overpriced when i know it probably only cost less than US$5 including shipping to make that in china.
anyhoo, we went to one of our favorite shops called "part unknown". why it's called that, i have no clue. last time i was in there and bought a shoe was 2 yrs ago. the brand is called BORN and man, it's very comfy. yes, it's also made in china, but it's handcrafted. retail price for those run from $75 to $115 at department store. but i got it for under $47.
this time, there was another shoe there on clearence, 40% off on top of the original mark down price. it's the BORN BAIN shoe, pictured below. total price paid is $48 including tax. it's super comfy and most of all very, very lightweight. i really love it.
before i forget... i have to add this photo of a drift wood that i shot at the beach. it's very interesting to me, especially with all the footprints around. feels like the drift wood has travelled to many place and now finally being able to get some rest while the world continues to walk around it.

so, as cherie window shopped around, i started to look for interesting things to shoot. trust me, pushing a stroller around with haley strapped to my chest and chloe in the bottom of the stroller is not an easy task. ;)
i don't know if it's age that's catching up to me or what, but recently i found myself wanting to take more photos of flowers and trees, etc. i have no clue what this flower's name is, but it's just too beautiful to pass up. it was located around the corner of a shoe store unnoticed.
click to see it in bigger size. the details on the petals are just beautiful!

here's one photo i took from outside of this children boutique i mentioned. i just adored the little cows. they are so cute!
can you say... moooooooo~~~~

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