in fact, it is at that beach that our chloe feel the happiest being free to run around. most of all, it's a place where she will actually listen to the word "come".
that day, the weather turn pretty quick and temp started to drop. while looking for a parking place in such a crowded parking lot, we found a car that's about to leave. it was a big family and the dad was taking care of their kids to get them dried up before leaving. so as we waited, we got honked at, cursed at, and even got dirty looks since they said we were blocking traffic.
it's carmel for crying out loud, no need to rush. it's a place where people come to relax and chill, but i guess there was too many visitors there that day. one white dork even walked up to my car with his pitbull and said would you move your f*ing car, you are blocking the traffic. i guess it's because i'm asian that's why he started to curse. guess not everyone is PF Chang friendly.. haha ;)
but it is at times like these that i'm glad i don't own a gun or still live in texas. cuz otherwise i might have busted a cap in his ass in self defense. ok ok.. maybe i would just bust a cap in his ass just for the fun of it, since his rude low class abercrombie & finch wannabe with wacked up hairstyle is just asking for it. had he asked nicely, i wouldn't have been that upset. anyway, that's that.
so as we walked on the beach to woo-saaa, the weather changed quickly to cloudy and chilly. it became very foggy. but, we still wanted chloe to run free and most of all take more photos to capture that day.

family photo... just missing chloe. she was having fun running around...
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