i come from a family that plays tennis, dad is a great tennis player, mom use to play before her knee injury. i use to play tennis a lot like crazy back when i was in high school. but then again, there wasn't much to do in Houston, besides tennis, fishing or watching TV. so i a tennis freak. since then, i rarely picked up a racket or a game or two, just seldom.
starting from last week, i started to play tennis with one of our friends, whom is very much into tennis. this week, we met up for our weekly tennis on sunday and today, cherie and haley came with us to the courts.
while i was playing tennis, haley was having so much fun running into the courts with a tennis ball. she was our offical ball girl.
later on, she went into my bag and start to pick up a racket and swing around. don't forget, this girl is only 13 months and 10 days old.

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