yesterday, haley went in for her 9 month baby check up and had to get shots and some blood work done. cherie and my mom in law took her there and haley cried like there's no tomorrow.
when i heard about it after i went home late last night from work, i was heart broken. how dare they do that to my baby girl~ :(
besides that, recently we wanted to get cherie and haley a passport before the price increase. so, being the photographer that i am, i wasn't about to go and pay $15 for 2 passport photos that are horrible in the color, exposure and end up making the subject look like a corpse.
thus, i busted out my 30D and took their photos. taking haley's photos is much harder than i thought. when she was 6 months old, she was moving around a lot.. but at 9 months old, she's worse than the energizer bunny on 12 packs of redbull. (redbull gives you WINGS~)
after a while, i got the photo that i think would be the best for haley's passpost. it really does bring out her playful charactor.
voila~ here's our baby haley at 9 months old~

she's SOOOOOO cute!!!!