Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lookie what I got... High Chair~

lately, haley's been moving around a lot while her mama is holding her so her daddy can feed her baby food. like my recent post, we went to babies r us to find haley a high chair.

rather than debating which ones to get, finally, we gave into haley's naughty yet aloof personality and got the combi hero 3 in 1 fucntion high chair to strap her down like a nut in a looney bin.

she didn't like it very much at first, cuz she felt detached from her mama. so, i had to act fast and take snap shots before she starts to scream and yell "MURDER!!!" haha...

in conclusion, i must say, i really like this chair. it's multifunctioned and even though some have complained about getting their fingers pinched by the straps or how the chair wobbles, it's actually quite the opposite. i think it's more of user error than a design flaw.

the high chairs is very comfy and once haley is on, the chair stand nice and firm. plus the combi hero had 3 in 1 functions, so even as haley grows up, she can still use this chair; as compared to other high chairs that has only 1 function.

as for cost wise, i think it was very decent and fair. babies r us has them on sale for $138, thus stacking the 15% off coupon + opening up a new credit card to get the 10% off, that's a total of 25% savings. so with tax and discount, this combi cost us a pretty penny of $115; which isn't bad considering it's a 3 in 1 function.

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