but later cherie had her migrane headache, which hasn't happen in a very long time. so, she started vomiting, pounding head, etc. it was very tough for me to see her like that, since i would always feel helpless to help her at all. usually, she would take a special medicine, but since we're breastfeeding, we have to be very careful of the type of pain relief to take. but unfortunately, even motrin didn't help :(
so after numerous times of vomiting later, cherie took a nap and we woke up at 1pm. by then she was all fine and dandy and ready to roll. thus, we took my mom in law to arbys for a late lunch. it was the first time haley has even dined in at arby's and as usual, she just laid there in her carseat and looked around.
afterwards, the weather go very warm and we had to make a quick run to costco for food. on the way there, haley fell asleep.. like deep asleep. she didn't even wake up when cherie strapped her on to our baby bjorn air carrier.
then saw a picture moment i had to take with my cellphone. take a close look at haley's face.. it's just too cute to pass up a kodak moments like this. look how high haley's chin is lifted up naturally. looks a bit snobby.. haha ;)
cherie and mom with haley.

a quick family photo of all three of us...
closeup of our sleeping beauty... by now, she's a bit aware that her daddy's taking the photos.. so you see a little frown.
after my numerous trips of sampling freebies in costco, i was nearly full. boy did they have a lot of samples today. but honestly the one i like the most was the organic baby carrots with johnny's ranch dressing. i had to go back a couple times. ;)
during that time, haley was awake and was having fun being carried around facing forward in the baby bjorn enjoying the view. she did try to steal my food samples but too bad she can't eat those just yet. at 6 months, she's very curious to taste everything. if not careful around her, she'll have your cake and eat it too. haha...
next trip was toward babies r us. we're in need of a high chair for haley, since she's starting to eat baby food. everytime, cherie would hold her while daddy me feed her. but from time to time, haley gets tired and want to move around, thus making her mommy uncomfortable.
we had our eyes set on the combi hero 3-in-1 but unsure if haley would like it at all. so, today was a perfect chance to put haley into the combi hero to see if she would like it. she was ok at first.. but then started balling her eyes out. our guess is that her "kimochi waruii"; which means, she was in a bad mood. even when we put her in other high chairs that was much more expensive or even cheaper, she would still cry her darling little eyes out.
what to do? mommy to the rescue... and picked her up and carried her around the store away from the high chair. haley probably thinks that we would just leave her in there and walk away. i read that baby at 6 months will start to experience separation anxiety, i guess that's why haley cried so much when she mommy is not holding her. too bad for this daddy... :(
later on, i found something that was super interesting. something that even i would want to sit in, but it probably wouldn't fit around my belly. it's called a bumbo. the name itself reminded me dumbo the elephant.. but the foamy material is super soft and comfy enough for haley to sit in.
so, i put haley into the driver's seat for a test drive. needless to say.. she did well for the first 30 sec. and then started to cry and wanted mommy to rescue her. she's such a sweetheart, even when she cries. plus, it was getting close to her feeding time, so probably that's another factor for the fussiness.
after that.. we went home and haley ate a TON!
if you look close enough.. u can see that haley's is just about to cry...